For example, during the 2008 global financial crisis, a large number of companies ran into financial difficulties as production expanded and raw material prices and labor costs rose. In addition, the capital shortage will not only restrict the production and operation of enterprises but also bring the inventory and shortage risks to the upstream and downstream, thus affecting the stable development of the entire supply chain. At the same time, with the development of e-commerce and Internet technology, many manufacturers win customers and increase market share by opening online channels [3, 4]. In addition, opening an online channel increases the operating cost, which causes capital constraint to become a significant factor affecting the opening of online channel. Channel selection strategy is a hot issue in marketing research and operational research.

  1. The constraint on bank lending relates to profitability and bank capital, not reserves.
  2. If capital markets are not your area of expertise, consider engaging a professional firm that is well-connected with the capital markets for your industry.
  3. Further, early graduation studies found limited impacts on women’s empowerment6,7, although stronger effects were documented when broader measures were considered25.
  4. While non-risk-based ratios have become more constraining, we do not expect any of the GSIBs to come close to breaching a minimum.
  5. A company’s cost of borrowing is based in part on its likelihood of defaulting on the debt.

After grouping small neighbouring villages that have less than 8 beneficiaries for ease of programme operations, 322 villages entered the randomization. The coaching component facilitated the delivery and coordination of the various interventions. Beneficiaries formed groups of 15 to 25 members and selected a coach to mentor them throughout the programme.

In addition, the above parameters can also have an influence on supplier’s judgment as to whether its capital is sufficient. [6] For example, the proposal eliminates internal models for credit risk in its entirety whereas the Basel standards permit it. The proposal also removes the modeled default risk charge in the Basel standards for the FRTB.

Survey teams, blind to treatment status, were assigned to villages; but the participant could reveal treatment status in the last module of the midpoint survey. During the fieldwork, a remote team checked and updated the field plan for treatment balance across teams and survey weeks. The full community, including elders, economic and traditional leaders, and programme beneficiaries and their husbands (or other family members), were invited to attend a video screening and community discussion.

Tackling psychosocial and capital constraints to alleviate poverty

Under the multichannel competition, Wang et al. [30] proposed the model of channel choice and pricing decisions and found that the difference among multiple channels’ operational costs was a critical factor in the downstream’s selection. Considering the demand uncertainties in online channel and offline channel, Modak and Kelle [31] demonstrated the pricing decision and ordering decision in a delivery-time supply chain to examine the impact of consumer channel loyalty on members’ profits. Most of above literature considered a supply chain in which the manufacturer opened an online channel and found primarily the effect of channel difference on channel selection strategy. However, none of these scholars involved the situation of retailer’s encroachment in online channel. This paper combines the ignored issue to investigate the conditions and boundaries on three scenarios of channels, i.e., online channel, offline channel, and dual channel. Based on the above, we observe that, with the increasing consumers’ brand loyalty, the threshold of capital constraint for the supplier to only open offline channel decreases, while it increases if only opening online channel.

Led RCT and intervention design, led Niger RCT implementation and led analysis. K.A.W. contributed to RCT design and analysis and led data collection and instrument development. C.C.T. led development of psychosocial intervention and measurement and contributed to analysis. Led public lotteries and intervention implementation in line with RCT design. Finally, we test for equality of treatment effects between data collection rounds to uncover any temporal effects (for each treatment arm separately).

Given work’s current dynamic, cross-functional, and less quantifiable nature, traditional productivity metrics like hours worked and time on tasks may be inadequate to capture human performance. Technology and data collection advancements are leading to more meaningful metrics for organisations. As data increases, organisations may have to consider what information should be transparent to their workers. The bank’s risk, as the quoted passage makes clear, is insolvency.

Financial Constraint

Within communes, all villages were eligible and public lotteries were organized to select beneficiary villages. Poverty-targeting methods were applied to determine the beneficiary households. Within selected households, a woman over 20 was the recipient of the cash transfers. Therefore, both the Collins Floor and the new standardized output floor effectively become compliance exercises that create unnecessary operational burdens for banks, while the binding capital requirement will almost always be the ERBA. The problem description and model assumption are introduced in Section 3. Section 4 investigates and compares the optimal decision under different capital constraints.

Deloitte’s ‘2024 Global Human Capital Trends’ Report Identifies Trust and Human Sustainability as Top Issues

The optimal channel strategy and pricing decisions for supplier with adequate capital constraint are shown in Table 2.Here, we use A to indicate that the supplier’s capital is adequate and O/C to indicate the opening/closing of online and offline channels. To address these questions, we analyze the channel choice in a one-supplier-one-retailer supply chain, where the supplier is capital-constrained. The optimal pricing strategies are discussed under different scenarios and the profits of supplier and retailer are compared. Further, we investigate the condition for opening dual-channel supply chain and explore the effects of capital constraint. The main contributions of our research are summarized in the following respects. First, it describes how capital constraint affects channel strategies and pricing decisions in a multi-dual supply chain.

The foundation for daily operation activities for an enterprise is working capital. It can be said that capital is the prerequisite and decisive factor for enterprise to carry out production and operation activities [1, 2]. However, the small- and medium-sized enterprises account for over half of the world’s gross domestic product and employment in major economy, yet there is a widespread shortage of capital liquidity.

This subsection first analyzes the impact of parameters and capital constraint under different channel strategies and then compares the optimal pricing and profits of different channel strategies when the supplier’s capital is sufficient and fully utilized. Based on the backward induction, given and , the retailer determines the selling price of offline channel to maximize profit. The second derivate with respect to the selling price of offline channel is , which means that the retailer’s profit is a jointly concave function in the selling price. Therefore, the above means that retailer’s response of selling price needs to consider the impact of demand market and pricing strategies, so next we discuss the supplier’s equilibrium. In this section, we give an overview of closely relevant literature on channel selection strategy, consumer behavior across channel, and capital constraints in operational management.

Internal rates of return are calculated using the annual cost and benefit data shown in Extended Data Table 9. As ABC weighs its various investment opportunities, it will look at both their likely return and the amount of capital they require, ranking them according to what’s known as a profitability index. Capital rationing is the process through which companies decide how to allocate their capital among different projects, given that their resources are not limitless. [23] The proposed changes in GSIB surcharge are expected to increase capital requirement for the 8 US GIBs by $13bn. [22] Specifically the proposal’s treatment of derivatives in the interconnectedness and complexity indictors and trading volume in the substitutability indictor.

Extended Data Fig. 1 Study Timeline.

Remarkably, the IRRs are 42% for the Psychosocial arm and 21% for the Full arm, based on consumption effects observed by the endpoint, without assuming any further effects (Fig. 2). Assuming a dissipation of impacts of 50% per year after the endpoint, the IRRs are 66% for the Psychosocial arm and 44% for the Full arm, and the Capital arm also reaches a positive IRR (15%). Assuming sustained impacts gives IRRs of 95%, 73% and 48%, respectively. It shows treatment effects on main outcomes, standardized with respect to the control group for ease of interpretation. Results presented are ordinary least squares (OLS) estimates that include controls for randomization strata and, where possible, baseline outcomes. Each circle shows the OLS point estimate and each line the 95% confidence interval corresponding to standard errors clustered at the village level.

We typically view double leverage of 120% or higher as a sign of potential liquidity challenges at the holding company. However, we believe all the GSIBs–even those with double leverage around or above that level–currently have adequate liquidity, and we think there is a low probability that we will widen the notching absent a material rise in double leverage or diminishment of liquidity. Another reason leverage ratios are coming into focus is the expiration of the Fed’s temporary easing of the SLR calculation. In March 2020, the Fed announced a temporary change to its SLR rule to ease pandemic strains in the Treasury market and increase banks’ ability to provide credit to households and businesses.

(Conversely, at its second-quarter leverage exposure, it could shrink its capital by 8% before breaching the minimum.) At the bank level, it could grow its leverage (SLR) exposure only 6% before breaching the 6% required level. We also would consider to what extent strategies to control balance-sheet size–such as capital constraints turning deposits away–would harm the bank’s business or earnings. We believe some banks have successfully reduced noncore and nonoperational deposits in the past without any material impact on their businesses or earnings. However, we would have to gauge the complexity and effects of such a move in the future.

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